A new beginning of sorts
Not so much a new kid on the block as I am putting up a new house.
Under the pseudonym of One Fine Jay, I’ve blogged for about eight years now. Recently, I’ve grown more comfortable letting out my real name and associating it with my written work. Because I write on two very different families of topics and the overlap between among my readers is so small, I’m launching this site to serve those who are interested in design, WordPress and related topics. Personal and political material will remain on my other blog.
This site also serves my professional goals. I am, after all, a designer for hire, and it’s only right that I gave my work a showcase of their own. I’m also working on a few freebies for everyone to enjoy: icon sets, maybe even a WordPress theme or two.
So here it is. It’s a bit of a fresh start, and I hope you have a great time.
Words of thanks
I wouldn’t have started this without the counsel of some very close friends. The idea to start a professional, topic-focused site started in talks with Michael Torbert, who also took my absolutely fabulous photo in my bio page. Instrumental to the final decision to start this project were Ryan Duff of Fusionized (who also provided the plugin that powers the riders that introduce each of my posts), Chip Bennett and Doug Stewart, who’ve also provided much guidance and encouragement throughout this project. Plenty of emotional support came from Lisa Sabin-Wilson, whose encouragement helped me through moments of doubt. And because having oneself as a design client—physician, heal thyself—can either bring you to the heights of self-aggrandizement or the depths of self doubt, my friend who runs Denifed has been a source of serious design critique through the entire process.
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